Mario wrote:
Best product for the price, by far.
Mike Gilreath wrote:
Bushnells Speedster 3 a cut above the normal. Easy out of the box setup, exceptional range. I clocked the speed of a vehicle in my area over 2600.13 feet away, far from the manufacturers specifications. I've used it on Aircraft, birds, baseballs, and even rain in a storm. If you want punch for the price I recommend the Bushnell Speed 3
Bruce wrote:
Great product I use for highspeed landings in skydiving competitions.
jameso5 wrote:
Works great for RC Gas boats
jbdaiello wrote:
Works great for pitching bat speed drills and every other drill we do. Never misses a pitch
KipKippler wrote:
I bought this for my nephew to clock his pitching speed, and it has been spot on every time. Within 20 minutes of using it, we were able to find a problem with my nephew's mechanics that helped him get another couple MPH out of his fastball, and he's been practicing all winter with his brother. Their mom tells me that they don't even want to play video games anymore, everyday when they get home from school they want to start tossing the baseball around with the Speedster III. Was the best Christmas present I bought!
Devin R. wrote:
I've used the SpeedsterIII on several occasions at a pitching cage clocking both softball and baseball pitches. Right out of the box I noticed it is very durable (dropped it several times it can definitely take a beating) I also found it very easy to use there's only a single button to cycle through the modes and a trigger to clock the speeds. I clocked pitches both in back of the catcher and in back of the pitcher and it seems to clock objects coming towards it just as well as object traveling away from it. I also compared it with another radar gun to see how accurate it is and it was spot on each time. Not a bad little toy for the price! I would definitely recommend this to coaches, athletes and parents.
bchamp wrote:
it is a very nice radar gun that feels solid, but I got it below $100
Steve wrote:
I am a big fan of this product. It is very easy to use and gives instant and accurate readings. I used this to clock the speed of approximately 200 12" softball pitches and 100 baseball pitches. I got instant and accurate readings almost every pitch. You have to be carfeul with your angles with this as with most radar guns. Make sure you are straight behind your target and you will get very good readings. You will have a hard time finding a better deal! Great product!
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